Privacy Policy

iBAW Platform Privacy Policy Statement

Dear users, service providers and iBAW platform partners, we are well aware of the importance of information security, and we will take security protection measures in accordance with laws and regulations to protect your information security. Therefore, the iBAW platform (“iBAW” for short) formulates the “iBAW Platform Privacy Policy Statement” (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) and reminds you: Before using the services of the iBAW platform website, please read and understand this policy carefully. “Privacy Policy”, use related products and services after confirming full understanding and consent. Once you start using the iBAW platform services, it will be deemed as your acceptance and recognition of the content of this statement and policy.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this statement and policy, you can contact us through the customer service, email or customer service phone of the iBAW platform.


iBAW: Refers to the iBAW platform website (domain name: and all subordinate pages.

Affiliated companies of iBAW: Refers to Beijing Automobile Works (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries.

User information: User information refers to the user information submitted by you or collected by iBAW when you register for an iBAW account, use iBAW’s services, and iBAW provides services to you, such as name, contact information, etc. For details, please refer to Article 2 of the Privacy Policy information as described.


1.Ownership of rights

(1) iBAW Logo, “iBAW” and other words, graphics and their combinations, as well as other marks on the iBAW website, without the written authorization of iBAW, no one may display, use or do other processing in any way (including but not limited to copying, spreading , display, upload, download), nor indicate to others that you have the right to display, use or otherwise process.

(2) The intellectual property rights of all products, services, and technologies on the iBAW website belong to iBAW or its obligees.

(3) Unless otherwise stated by iBAW, iBAW has all the rights to publish documents and other information on the website. No one is allowed to use without the permission of iBAW.

2. Limitation of Liability

(1) iBAW users/service providers upload, provide, and publish relevant information on the iBAW website, including but not limited to user names, company names, contacts and contact information, related pictures, information, etc., all of which are provided by users/service providers Providers provide themselves, and shall be fully responsible for any information provided by them in accordance with the law.

(2) The information uploaded by users/service providers on iBAW (including but not limited to industrial APPs, product details, information articles, etc.) is large and complex, which does not mean that iBAW agrees with their views or confirms the authenticity of their contents.

(3) iBAW hereby reminds you that you should abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China during the use of iBAW services, and you must not endanger network security, and you must not use iBAW services to engage in activities that infringe reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of others. You assume no responsibility for the use and purpose of your use of iBAW Services.

3. Intellectual Property Protection

We respect intellectual property rights and oppose and combat intellectual property infringements. Any organization or individual who thinks that the content of iBAW may infringe their legitimate rights and interests may submit a notification through customer service, email, telephone, etc., and we will deal with it as soon as possible after receiving the qualified notification from the intellectual property right holder.

4. How to contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions about the content of this policy, or if you have any questions about iBAW’s practice and operation of this privacy policy, you can contact us through iBAW’s email address (

Privacy Policy

iBAW respects and protects user/service provider information, and treats such information with a high degree of caution and earnestness. When you use the services provided by iBAW, we will collect, process and disclose your information in accordance with this policy. We hope to clearly introduce to you how we handle your information through this policy, so we recommend that you read this policy in its entirety to help you understand how to protect your privacy.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us through the various contact methods provided by iBAW.

This policy will help you understand the following:

1. Scope of application of this agreement

(1) This Privacy Policy applies to all services of iBAW and technical services provided to you through iBAW.

(2) This policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties. For example, when a service provider on iBAW relies on iBAW to provide services to you, this Privacy Policy does not apply to the information you provide to the service provider.

(3) As a service provider of iBAW, if you use iBAW technology to provide services to your users, since your business data belongs to you, you should separately agree with your users on a privacy policy.

2. How iBAW collects and uses your information

(1) When you create an account on the iBAW website, the mobile phone number or email address you submit is used to accept the verification code when you register, log in, bind the account, and retrieve the password, and it is also used as one of the contact methods you specify with iBAW, Used to receive related business notifications.

(2) After you complete the iBAW account registration, you can continue to fill in your relevant information in the user background, such as address, zip code, name, passport or other identity information, bank account information, email address, your company name , industry, position, invoice information, tax information. Your completed information will help us better understand your needs for iBAW services, so that iBAW can provide you with targeted services. If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of a specific service.

(3) If you only need to use iBAW’s basic services such as browsing and searching, you do not need to register and provide the above information.

3. Provide services to you

(1) According to the laws of the People’s Republic of China, when you use specific services, if required, you should comply with the relevant procedures and specifications of iBAW services and provide your real identity information.

(2) If you are a service provider, you should ensure that the relevant information of your company (including but not limited to company name, business nature, business license registration number, bank account information, etc.) is true and reliable.

(3) When you use the services provided by iBAW, we will automatically collect your detailed usage of our services and save them as relevant web logs. For example, your search query content, IP address, access date and time, and web page records you visit, etc.

(4) Based on the consulting records generated by your use of iBAW services and the troubleshooting process for user/service provider failures (such as communication or call records), iBAW will record and analyze these information to respond to your help requests in a more timely manner and improve iBAW service.

(5) When we provide you with business functions or specific services, we will collect, use, store, provide and protect your information in accordance with this policy and the corresponding product service agreement; If the agreement stipulates to collect your user information, we will separately explain to you the scope and purpose of information collection, and after obtaining your consent, we will collect your information necessary for the corresponding service.

(6) Our products are integrated with Youmeng+SDK, and Youmeng+SDK collects device identifiers (IMEI/Mac/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID, SIM card IMSI information), which are used to uniquely identify devices and provide device applications Performance monitoring service; provide anti-cheating service by collecting location information, eliminate cheating devices, and troubleshoot the cause of application performance crashes.

4. When will we use your information

We use the information you submit and the information we collect for the following purposes:

(1) In order to provide services to you, we will send you information, notices or other forms of business communication with you.

(2) In order to maintain and improve services and provide you with information display that better meets your individual needs, we may combine user information from a service of iBAW with information from other services to make a feature model and conduct user Portraits, to display and push information to you, including but not limited to news about iBAW, marketing activities and promotional information, promotional information of third parties that iBAW cooperates with, or other content that may be of interest to you.

(3) We may design, develop, and promote new products and services based on user/service provider information statistics; we will collect statistics on our service usage, and may share these statistics with the public or third parties , but these statistics do not contain any personally identifiable information about you.

(4) iBAW may use your information, relevant web logs, and information legally shared by our affiliated companies and partners to determine whether your account and transactions are at risk, and take necessary recording, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with the law.

(5) Before using user information beyond the scope of direct or reasonable association, we will inform you again and obtain your explicit consent.

V. How do we share and publicly disclose your user information

(1) Sharing

We will not share your user information with other organizations and individuals, except in the following cases:

1. Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your user information with other parties. In addition, we may share your user information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, litigation or legal requirements of administrative and judicial authorities;

2. Sharing with authorized partners: We may entrust trusted partners to provide services, so we may share some of your user information with partners to provide better customer service and optimize user experience. We will only share your user information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and will only share user information necessary to provide services. Our partners have no right to use the shared user information for any other purpose.

Currently, our authorized partners include the following types: service providers and other partners who settle in iBAW and provide services. We send information to partners who support our business, including providing technical services, consulting, professional services in industries and fields, etc.

(2) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your user information under the following circumstances:

(1) With your explicit consent or based on your active choice, we may publicly disclose your information;

(2) Or in order to protect the personal and property safety of iBAW and its affiliated company users or the public from infringement, we may disclose information about you in accordance with applicable laws or iBAW-related agreements and terms. For example, if you provide false services as an iBAW service provider, we may publicly disclose your store subject information and punishment.

(3) Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization and consent when sharing and publicly disclosing user information

In the following situations, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your user information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

1. Related to national security, national defense security, public safety, public health, and major public interests;

2. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

3. For the protection of your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person;

4. Personal information that you disclose to the public by yourself;

5. Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

6. Service provider business data and public information

Different from user information, iBAW will handle service provider business data and public information as follows

(1) Business data

1. The data provided through iBAW to provide services, process, store, upload, download, distribute and process in other ways are all your business data, and you fully own your business data. As a service provider, iBAW will only process your business data strictly according to your instructions, and will not make any unauthorized use or disclosure of your business data except in accordance with your agreement or implementation of clear legal and regulatory requirements.

2. You are responsible for the source and content of your business data, please carefully judge the legality of the data source and content. All the results and responsibilities caused by the content of your business data in violation of laws and regulations, departmental regulations or national policies shall be borne by you

3. According to the agreement between you and iBAW, iBAW stores business data in the data center selected by you. iBAW abides by its security commitment and protects the data stored in iBAW according to applicable laws.

(2) Public information

1. Public information refers to any information that you share publicly, and anyone can view or access the information when using or not using iBAW website services.

2. As a service provider, you should publicly share the relevant information of enterprises or natural person operators in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations and iBAW rules.

3. When using iBAW for transactions, you will inevitably disclose your information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please properly protect your information and only provide it to others when necessary. You can also establish contact with customers and share with each other through our service system. If you find that your information is leaked, especially if your account or password is leaked, please contact iBAW immediately so that iBAW can take corresponding measures.

7. How do we use cookies and similar technologies

(1) In order to ensure the normal operation of the website, provide you with an easier access experience, and recommend content that you may be interested in, we will store a small data file named Cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names and some numbers and characters. iBAW can only read cookies provided by iBAW.

(2) With the help of cookies, data such as your preferences or items in the purchase list can be stored. When you visit again next time, we will display the information you need; or iBAW will identify your source website through cookies files, so that we can track the effectiveness of iBAW’s advertisements.

(3) You can manage cookies according to your preferences, and you can also clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most web browsers have a function to block cookies. But if you do this, you will need to change your user settings every time you visit our website. For more information on how to change your browser settings, please visit the relevant settings page for your browser.

(4) In addition to Cookies, we will also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, the email we send to you may contain an address link to the content of our website. If you click on the link, we will track this click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can actively improve customer service experience. A web beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of pixel tags in emails, we can know whether the emails are opened. If you do not want your activities to be tracked down in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mail list at any time.

8. iBAW protects and preserves information

(1) iBAW attaches great importance to information security, and we strive to take various reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information. Protect information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will implement access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to user information.

(2) Please use complex passwords to help us ensure the security of your account. We will do our best to keep any information you send us secure. If our physical, technical or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

(3) After an unfortunate user information security incident (leakage, loss, etc.), we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, and the disposal measures we have taken or will take , suggestions for self-prevention and risk reduction, remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the event-related situation by email, letter, phone call, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the user information subject one by one, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner.

9. Cancel account

(1) You can apply to cancel your iBAW platform account by submitting a request. We will not set unreasonable conditions to prevent you from canceling your account, but if canceling your account will affect your legal rights or the legal rights of others, such as goods you have to receive, services you have paid for but not yet expired, etc., we will combine your Use the iBAW service to judge and inform whether your cancellation request is supported.

(2) Canceling your account will affect your normal use of all related applications and services. We hereby kindly remind you that your cancellation of your account will bring a lot of inconvenience to your subsequent use of iBAW platform services, and after you cancel your iBAW platform account, we will stop providing you with services and your personal information will remain unretrievable , access status, or anonymized processing, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. If you quickly log in through a third-party account, you need to contact the third party to cancel the account.

(3) If you have considered carefully and decided to abandon your account and meet all cancellation conditions, you can contact us through the listed contact information for relevant operations. Once the iBAW platform account is canceled, it will not be restored. Please back up all the information and data related to the iBAW platform account before operation. The iBAW platform does not assume any responsibility for any adverse effects on you caused by your application for canceling your account.

10. Minor User Information

We provide products and services primarily to adults. If you are a minor, we ask you to ask your guardian to read this Privacy Policy carefully, and use our services or provide information to us with your guardian’s consent.

11. Update of Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may be revised, and we will publish any revisions to the privacy policy in a prominent position on iBAW. For major revisions, we will also provide more direct and prominent notices (such as through website announcements, pop-up prompts, etc. Explain the specific changes in the privacy policy).

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